best 2.1 speaker system reviews
Hey, I'm looking for some cheaper surround sound speakers for my bedroom. It's kind of a smaller room and I need something that will easily hookup to my 32" Samsung 720p. And only a couple hundred at most, I'm not looking for the most fancy, just something that could make my horror movies work for me a bit more. Any recommendations?
Surround sound is one thing. You need a 5.1 speaker set and a receiver. Sound bars or 2.1 systems can plug right into the TV. If your budget is $200 don't bother with a surround sound system. The only ones you'll find for that amount are garbage. So look for a sound bar or a 2 speaker and sub configuration. Check CNet.com for reviews of such devices.
What is a better for sound a Sony RHTG800 or 2.1 channel sound system?
I am going to buy a sony tv but I don't know what is a better buy. I like the sony, but it gets bad reviews.
my price range is unlimited and I care about video and sound
sony stand with speakers
I might try something different
Also for hdtv Directv or Cable
Answer Hi.ricky p. That won't give you a good sound system with all the speakers crammed into the TV Stand.I don't know how they achieve the impression of rear channel sound from the two front speakers. Have you actually heard it ?Better to have a proper 5.1 surround sound system with three front speakers and two rear speakers,plus a sub. .2.1 will only give you stereo ,if that is all you want. Lets know what you decide.Have you thought about an Amplifier ? Speakers are a personal choice as they all sound different.If you can give me a price range ,i'm sure we'll get something good. Basically what i am asking is are you more of a video person or is sound quality your main concern?
EDIT..(1)....Thanks for the reply.
I just want to mention a few things to keep in mind when putting a system together.In any audio system,the signal is passed down a chain.Sound travels from the Source components [DVD or CD Player VCR,Phono,Satellite,etc.],to the Control Components[Pre-Amp,or Surround Processing Pre-Amp],to the Power amplifiers,and then to the Speakers.The base rule is the signal can never be improved within the chain once it has started.It can only be maintained or degraded.Therefore audio and video reproduction are damage control jobs.If we don't get quality information from the Source,the Pre-Amp,Power Amps.and Speakers cannot improve the signal.The Pre-Amp and Power Amps.just make a bigger copy of the signal,which the Speakers reproduce.No equipment can improve the signal given to it.What is generated from the Source component will be reproduced ,but not improved,in the chain.Therefore the goal is to change the signal as little as possible. You would be surprised how difficult this is for some people to understand. If their sound is no good they always blame the speakers,when the problem is at the beginning of the chain.
Ok,down to business.The construction, size, shape and furnishings of the room will influence the sound from the speakers.Most people buy a surround sound Receiver because of convenience having all the processing circuits and amplifiers in the one box.The problem with a Receiver is that it only has a single power supply to power the preamp section the tuner section and five or more power amp sections.As a result sound quality is not as smooth,because the demands of the power amp section affect the preamp section.Preamps are the heart of the system.
A separate Pre-Amp./Processor and a separate 5,6,7,or more Power Amplifier Unit will definiately give you a better sound and probably better video processing as well.
Loudspeakers are the most difficult component to buy because they all add their own "sound"to the sound they are reproducing.Everyone has their own preference when it comes to buying new speakers.However,the subjective
musical preference should not be confused with the objective task of music reproduction ,that is to reproduce the original sound exactly as it was performed.This is why there are no "jazz speakers" or "rock speakers" or "classical speakers "---just poor,good,better,and great speakers.
There are two things that all good speakers have in common.One is a seamless sound from the very low bass to the very highest highs(you don't hear the individual drivers).The other is the ability to reproduce voices well.All good speakers do these two things.Other attributes of a good speaker are,correct tonal balance,precise imaging,clarity,wide dynamic range and good solid bass response.
EDIT.(2).. I should ask you if you are going ahead with the Sony System or have you decided to try something else ?
When you say you like the Sony but it gets bad reviews,are you talking about the TV or the Sony stand with the inbuilt amplifier/prosessor and speakers ?
EDIT.(3)....I will leave the choice of the Source component up to you. One of the best PreAmp/Processor/PowerAmp combinations is made by NAD.[ designed in Great Brittain ] This combination would be hard to beat for the money.It got very good reviews regarding sound quality and video processing.
EDIT...(4) If you only want 2 channel stereo then the best amplifiers are British made [like the NAD] Check out ARCAM,MISSION,QUAD,CAMBRIDGE,MUSICAL FIDELITY,NAIR, ROTEL NAD, AUDIO LAB.
Loudspeakers are a personal choice so i will leave them up to you if you decide to buy them
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